
Drugs behind bars

buy this article By Kotie GeldenhuysPhoto courtesy of Depositphotos When Nicholas Ninow, a convicted rapist, addressed the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria in October 2019 in mitigation of sentence, he disclosed that since his arrest in September 2018, he had used drugs on approximately 20 occasions while incarcerated. He told the court about the prevalence …

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National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act 10 of 2024

buy this article By Brig Dirk Lambrechts IntroductionThis National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act 10 of 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the Amendment Act 10 of 2024), appears in English and Afrikaans in Government Gazette No 50713 dated 27 May 2024. Its main object is to amend the National Prosecuting Authority Act 32 of 1998 (hereinafter …

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Judicial Notice

Buy this article QuestionA reader refers Pollex to the Constitutional Court (“the Concourt”) judgment of AK v Minister of Police [2022] ZACC 14 (CC), and 2023 (1) SACR 113 (CC). This is the case in which Ms AK claimed damages (Afrikaans: “skadevergoeding”) from the SAPS in Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth), in that the SAPS failed …

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Corruption: A threat to our wildlife

buy this article By Kotie Geldenhuys  Corruption allows organised crime to function and flourish and wildlife crime, specifically the illegal wildlife trade, is no exception. The illegal wildlife trade is a highly profitable illicit business where corruption plays a significant role in enabling criminal networks to perpetrate, conceal and evade prosecution for their crimes. Corruption …

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Strong, impressive and innovative SAPS witnesses – S v Akhona Ntombana

Buy this article Case law:There are still strong, impressive and innovative SAPS witnesses – S v Akhona Ntombana, case no 54/2022, circuit court sitting at the town of Komani (previously Queenstown), dated 29 November 2022 (ECG) Mr Akhona Ntombana (hereinafter referred to as the “rapist”), appeared before the circuit court* (“the court”) sitting at Komani, …

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A bizarre case – S v Mashaba, High Court, Mbombela ref no R29/2022 dated 8 December 2022 (MB)

Buy this article In the words of the High Court (sitting as a review court) in Mbombela in Mpumalanga, this is “a bizarre case” (Afrikaans: ” ‘n bisarre saak”). It can best be described by reading the verbatim (word for word) judgment of the Mbombela review court, namely in paragraphs [1] to [6], where the …

A bizarre case – S v Mashaba, High Court, Mbombela ref no R29/2022 dated 8 December 2022 (MB) Read More »

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