Vaping among kids: cool habit, stress reliever or serious concern

Can you believe that some schools in the country have been bringing in narcotics sniffer dogs not to sniff out drugs, but to sniff out vapes (BusinessTech, 2023)?

Drugs behind bars

When Nicholas Ninow, a convicted rapist, addressed the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria in October 2019 in mitigation of sentence, he disclosed that since his arrest in September 2018, he had used drugs on approximately 20 occasions while incarcerated.

Cheating to win: Doping in sport

In August 2023, reports emerged that Elton Jantjies, a member of the Springbok team who had won the 2019 Rugby World Cup, had been notified by the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport (SAIDS) about a positive drug test result.

A parent’s guide to steer their sports-loving kids away from doping

Parents want their children to excel and be the best versions of themselves – on the sports fields, academically and culturally. The question is, at what price?

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